Off-Page SEO: 10 Tips to Do It like a Pro in 2025

Srishti Panwar
off-page seo

You are doing everything right, be it SEO content, on-page SEO, or technical SEO. Yet, you are losing rankings to your competitors which is making you lose a lot of qualified leads too. 

Then maybe you need to take a second look at your off-page SEO strategy, which might not be in place efficiently.

Off-page SEO is one of the hardest streams of SEO to crack so there is a possibility of having gaps there. So let’s delve into it, find out what is off-page SEO and the best way to do it right to get maximum SEO benefits

What is off-page SEO?

In simple terms, off-page SEO is doing activities ‘beyond’ your website. That helps you in building your website’s authority and ranking it better. 

Few of these activities include backlink building, press releases, and influencer promotions. But no matter what the activity is, at the end of the day, the intent is to get high quality SEO backlinks

Thus, off-page SEO is also synonyms to ‘link building’ for most people. 

Off-page SEO helps in – 

  • Improving domain rating
  • Improving rankings overall. 
  • Improved rankings result in improved traffic. 
  • Increased traffic then gets you an increased number of leads. 

To understand better, let’s look at this example. I Googled the keyword ‘whatsapp api’ and the following are my search results for the same.

Search results of or the keyword WhatsApp API.
Search results of or the keyword WhatsApp API.

Now let’s look at the number of backlinks or domain authority of top 3 ranking brands.

Backlinks and domain rating of top ranking brands for keywords ‘WhatsApp API’

So, clearly, along with all the other factors, the number of backlinks also play a crucial role in ranking.


Because I am certain there are websites with better content and maybe even better SEO. Yet they are not ranking because of one of the major factors – backlinks. 

That’s why, off-page SEO is often about ‘backlinks’. However, there are several ways of getting these backlinks and strengthening your off-page SEO which we are going to discuss now. 

Off-page SEO techniques to get overall SEO benefits

Off-page SEO helps in boosting your overall SEO efforts as it helps you achieve your final goal of ‘lead generation’ faster and efficiently. Here is how you can do and excel in off-page SEO like a pro. 

Backlink building 

Link building refers to getting links from other websites for your website. In practicality here is what it looks like. 


But there is a catch, backlink building isn’t as straightforward as it appears to be. It has several checks and balances to be taken care of while building a backlink. 

First of all, why would someone want to give you a backlink, what is in it for them? 

So there has to be a give and take relationship, a ton of negotiations, and finally a mutually benefitting deal is reached. 

Along with that, the backlink you get should also be a ‘quality backlink’

There are several subjective ways of judging the quality of a backlink, sharing the ones that we keep in mind at ZeroAdo.

Traits of a quality backlink for improved off-page SEO.
Traits of a quality backlink for improved off-page SEO.
  • From a high DR website: Make sure the link you are getting is from a high DR website, the higher the better your website’s authority would be. 
  • Overall website quality check: Higher DR does not mean that the website is of top-notch quality. Do a full checkup of the website, check their content and the kind of links they have. 
  • From a relevant website: The website you get a link from should be relevant to your business. You cannot get a link from a fruit and vegetable selling website for your business of providing sales calling services. 
  • Contextual backlink: It is not just the website that has to be relevant, but also the content piece you get the link from must be relevant as per your link. You want a contextual backlink not a forced one. 
  • Appropriate anchor text: Anchor text is the text that carries your link, make sure it is appropriate and highly specific to the link you are adding. 

Here is an example of a quality link built by ZeroAdo.

Example of quality backlink built by ZeroAdo.
Example of quality backlink built by ZeroAdo to improve the off-page SEO of our client.

The above link is from a website with 86 DR and the link has been built contextually for one of the transactional keywords for our client AM2PM Support. 

The anchor text too is appropriate to the link, making it one of the best links of our client. 

Content marketing 

Yes, I am aware, building backlinks manually are not going to be easy so you need something that helps you automate the link building process. 

Content marketing is that process. Content marketing and SEO go hand in hand, be it on-page SEO or off-page.

On the basis of content only you build backlinks and then by building backlinks you help your content rank better. This loop is never ending. 

Thus, as much as content needs off-page SEO, off-page SEO needs content marketing. Here is how you can leverage content marketing for automating backlink building aka off-page SEO efforts. 

Create high quality top of the funnel content on generic queries with extremely high search volumes. For instance “what is B2B” is one such query.

Create content on high volume keywords to improve off-page SEO by automatically building backlinks.
Create content on high volume keywords to improve off-page SEO by automatically building backlinks.

Check out the results above. When you create such high quality content pieces on these queries there are chances of them getting references in other SEO content types

For instance, if I write a content piece on ‘what is B2B SEO’ – then I can link back to the top ranking article of Investopedia when referring to B2B. 

Not just that, a good piece of ranking content gets noticed by AI overviews as well. Thus, getting you a reference link in AI results in helping in both brand awareness and getting you extra traffic.

Creating content on high quality keywords can help you get ranked in AI Overviews as well.
Creating content on high quality keywords can help you get ranked in AI Overviews as well.

That improves the credibility of your brand and with that the chances of getting references in others’ content increases. 

So create high quality content, and also a huge variety of content. Like primary research, case studies, your unique findings, and overall SEO content. 

Social media marketing 

Social media marketing is just as relevant as content marketing when it comes to off-page SEO. You need to tell search engines that your brand is real, credible, and trustworthy. 

That is exactly what social media helps you do. 

By having your active social media pages, search engines get social signals. Add your website’s link in your social media pages bio, and you get free backlinks along with credibility that your brand is authentic.

Getting credible high quality backlink from social media helps you improvise your off-page SEO.
Getting credible high quality backlink from social media helps you improvise your off-page SEO.

Through social media you can distribute your content and get more visitors and clicks for your content. 

Again, this signals that your content is worthy and helps your off-page SEO by making your business seem authoritative and relevant. 

Through social media you can also engage with your users which also results in sending social signals to the search engines and helps your overall SEO. 

Youtube, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, all these platforms help you in building a sturdy social presence resulting in a strong off-page SEO. 

Guest postings 

Another way of improving your off-page SEO and getting quality backlinks is writing guest posts. 

Guest posts are the content pieces that you write on someone else’s website as a guest writing. 

At ZeroAdo as well we have written several guest posts. Here are a few examples for you.

Guest posts by ZeroAdo as a part of off-page SEO strategy for our clients.
Guest posts by ZeroAdo as a part of off-page SEO strategy for our clients.

Now how do guest posts help in off-page SEO us by getting you backlinks from the article you have written. 

The benefit in guest posts is that you can get multiple backlinks from one article. Checkout below how ZeroAdo managed to get multiple links from this one article for both our clients and our link building partners.

Get multiple backlinks from one guest post to boost your off-page SEO.
Get multiple backlinks from one guest post to boost your off-page SEO.

The downside of guest posting is that it is hard to find the opportunities for it and it is a time consuming process to get just one link in return. 

It is a daunting process, but the easy way out of it is that you can also simply buy backlinks from the trusted SEO companies out there. 

Registering on directories 

Registering your business on directories is another smart way of strengthening your off-page SEO as you get a quality backlink along with increased brand visibility. 

But there is a catch and that is you only want to register your business on directories in your niche and also of good quality. 

You do not want to submit your business to multiple sub-par directories just for a link. Publishing on several poor directories will hurt you more than benefitting you as it can be considered a spammy activity by Google. 

For instance, Product Hunt is one of the top directories/forums for digital products and tools, so if you are one of the SaaS companies, then this is a directory you can register at.

Product Hunt is one of the forums to launch tech startups and get backlinks to boost off-page SEO.
Product Hunt is one of the forums to launch tech startups and get backlinks to boost off-page SEO.

Similarly, there are several other directories like JustDial, IndiaMart for you to register your business at. 

Influencer marketing 

Influencer marketing is one of the new SEO trends in the market that can help you in both on-page and off-page SEO. 

Through influencer marketing you can not only earn good quality backlinks but also prospective clients and your regular content readers. 

Which helps you improve your online credibility and authority in the eyes of Google and thus improve your rankings as well. 

You can collaborate with an influencer in your industry and get your business promoted on their social media handles and personal blogs too. 

For instance, Canva partnered with Guy Kawasaki, a marketing expert and tech influencer and through him they not only got multiple backlinks but also several new users.

Utilize influencer marketing to give a boost to off-page SEO like Canva did with Guy Kawasaki.
Utilize influencer marketing to give a boost to off-page SEO like Canva did with Guy Kawasaki.

Having an up-to-date GMB profile

Google My Business is another directory from which you can get a good quality backlink for your off-page SEO. 

But it is different from other directories as it is ‘Google’s’ directory where you can stay active like a social media profile. You can make posts, update people about your services, and even get reviews. 

Along with that it also helps you improve your local SEO results and rank better for local queries. 

So, set up your Google Business Profile and stay active on it. Promote your recent catalogue, or your recent content piece, and engage with your audience.

Example of a Google My Business profile for off-page SEO growth.
Example of a Google My Business profile for off-page SEO growth.

Get online reviews 

Make your customers drop a review for your business because nothing builds authority for your website like a good review from your customers. 

They are one of the best and the most consistent ways of sending signals to Google about the relevancy and trustworthiness of your business. Thus, helping your off-page SEO. 

They help strengthen your local SEO and also helps you rank for bottom off the funnel keywords as your customers tend to mention those in their reviews.

Getting reviews from customers can give a boost to your off-page SEO strategy.
Getting reviews from customers can give a boost to your off-page SEO strategy.

Contribute to round-up articles 

Round up articles refer to the ones written with the help of multiple sources and subject matter experts. Contributing to such articles helps your off-page SEO in two ways. 

First, you get a good quality backlink. Secondly, it improves the topical authority of your website. You get votes of confidence though the round up article on your expertise about your business niche. 

Here is an example of one such round up article where Vishnu, Founder and CEO of ZeroAdo, has contributed with his expertise on building small businesses.

Round Up article by Vishnu Goyal, CEO of ZeroAdo, that helped us get a backlink to boost our off-page SEO.
Round Up article by Vishnu Goyal, CEO of ZeroAdo, that helped us get a backlink to boost our off-page SEO.

In round-up articles you do not have to write much unlike guest posts. You get your due credit in the form of a backlink without too much effort and time investment.

Become a part of podcasts

Another way of strengthening and contributing to your off-page SEO is by becoming part of podcasts and webinars as a guest speaker. 

You get to talk about your business, spread awareness about it, and also get quality SEO backlinks from event promotion on social media platforms, websites, and finally from YouTube. 

So next time you get an offer to be on a podcast, try not to decline it, because you get new customers, reach a wider audience, and several off-page SEO benefits. 

Off-page SEO is a game changer!

Off-page SEO is truly a game changer because you could be putting tons of effort into your on-page SEO and technical SEO but that final push comes from off-page efforts only. 

It is also because off-page SEO is one of the hardest segments of SEO and not everyone can do it right. While there are hundreds of ways to do off-page SEO yet the best tip is to hire the experts. 

Link building and other activities to improve your website rankings is not a field to experiment in. Make your off-page SEO right the first time itself by hiring the expert help from ZeroAdo

At ZeroAdo, our goal is not just to take away your marketing headache but also to solve your problem of lead generation! 
Contact ZeroAdo now if you want to get more leads with a sorted off-page SEO.