Website Authority: What It Is & How to Increase It?

Srishti Panwar

“I want links only from websites with high website authority.”

It is a common statement that I often hear from my clients and SEO beginners. But when I try to dig deeper into what their understanding of website authority is, I often get a bookish misled definition. 

Well, it is not their fault, SEO is complex and all the industry terms are confusing as well. 

Keeping that in mind, today I decided to share in detail what website authority is, how it is related to SEO backlinks, and how you can increase it for your business website. 

Let’s get into it. 

What is website authority?

Website authority is an SEO concept, which takes into account how credible, and how trustworthy your website is and also how it will get treated by search engines like Google. 

It is a way to analyze how rank worthy a website is and how link building from that website will impact the others websites. 

How to check website authority? 

The both good and bad thing about website authority is that it is open to interpretation. There is no fixed way to measure it and different SEO experts have subjective measures to check for website authority. 

At ZeroAdo, one of the top SEO companies, we have our own factors as well to measure the website authority before building backlinks for our clients. 

We look into the following factors: 

Content quality 

We check the quality of the content being published and find out if it is well researched and helpful content as per Google’s guidelines.  

External backlinks  

The kind of external backlinks the website has serve as the vote of confidence for its credibility. 

User experience 

The overall feel and usage of the website. It can be judged on multiple things but some basic aspects are the quality of visuals, loading speed of the website, and website check in and sign up experience. 

Engagement of the website 

We do an extra check to ensure that the traffic a website is getting is valuable and not fluff. 

Kind of website 

We check if it is a business website or a PBN or media site. A business website is more valuable than a PBN. 

Website Authority vs Domain Authority and Domain Rating 

Most often Domain Authority (DA) is confused with Website Authority and Domain Rating (DR) is confused with Domain Authority. 

They are also often used interchangeably but they are nothing alike. 

Domain Authority and Domain Rating are measurable and quantifiable metrics while website authority depends more on the quality check of the website. 

Domain Authority is a metric by one of the SaaS SEO tools - Moz. 

Domain Authority by Moz is a quantifiable metric.
Domain Authority by Moz is a quantifiable metric that calculates how your website ranks on search engines against your competitors. [Source - Moz Domain Authority checker]

Domain Rating on the other hand is a metric from another SEO tool Ahrefs. 

Domain Rating by Ahrefs.
Domain Rating is a SEO metric by Ahrefs that calculates the strength of your backlink profile. [Source - Ahrefs Website Authority Checker]

Domain Authority judges the rankability of a website against its competitors and Domain Rating measures the strength of your backlinks profile. 

But website authority cannot be measured. Nor are fixed factors to measure it. In short, the overall quality of the website is what depicts the website authority and there are multiple subjective factors to judge it based on your needs. 

Why is website authority important for SEO and lead generation?

Better website authority means a website has quality SEO content, high quality backlinks, and of course good user experience. 

All the above factors are also the ones that impact the ranking results in Google as well. So better website authority means your website and content will get more representation on Google. 

Thus, website authority is important for SEO and lead generation as: 

  • It improves rankings on Google search. 
  • Improved rankings result in increased organic traffic for your targeted keywords.
  • With more targeted traffic comes quality and qualified leads. 

Along with getting leads, website authority also helps you in getting more links. As your rankings improve, so does your possibility of getting backlinks automatically. This is one of the best ways to do white hat link building

How to build and increase website authority?

Now that you know all the ways in which website authority can help your business - it is time you find out how you can build it and increase it to reap the maximum benefits of SEO

Build quality backlinks 

As we have discussed earlier, that website authority is gauged from multiple factors. One Of those major factors are backlinks. 

“What are backlinks?”

Good question! Backlinks are one of the most important segments of SEO that play a crucial role in increasing your website’s authority. They are the links that external websites give to your websites and they act as votes of confidence for your website. 

Now that might have made you think that the more links the better. Of course, goes without saying. But more than the quantity, it is the quality of the links that matter. 

Spammy links or PBN backlinks are going to harm your website authority more than benefitting it. 

So focus on quality link building. 

Here are a few checks that we take ourselves at ZeroAdo, before building backlinks to ensure quality. 

  • Check the Domain Rating of the website. A higher DR depicts a strong backlink profile which will make your link more valuable. 
  • Domain Rating alone is not enough, make sure the content being published is of high quality. 
  • Make sure the website you are getting a backlink from is relevant to your business and services. 
  • Avoid links from PBNs. 
  • Build contextual backlinks from relevant websites. 

Here is an example of a quality backlink we at ZeroAdo built for yourself keeping in mind the above guidelines. 

An example of quality link by ZeroAdo.
An example of quality backlink by ZeroAdo to increase website authority. The link is contextually built, on a website with DR 73, and has been placed on an appropriate anchor text. 

Focus on internal linking 

“​​You may usually think about linking in terms of pointing to external websites, but paying more attention to the anchor text used for internal links can help both people and Google make sense of your site more easily and find other pages on your site."
- Google Search Central

Google is a big advocate of internal links because it not only makes the website easy to crawl and scan but it also improves the user's experience of reading content. With increased user experience comes the reward of improved website authority. 

Internal links refer to building the link from various types of SEO content to one another. I am sure in this blog as well, you came across multiple internal links which might have helped you get a better understanding of other connected topics. 

Internal links are one of the most underrated ways of increasing your website authority because everyone keeps pining for external links. 

In that race of earning external links they forget that their SEO is unable to reach its maximum potential because their content is not intertwined with each other and there are several orphan pages (pages which do not have any internal backlink to them).

Here are a few checks from ZeroAdo to keep in mind while building internal links to increase authority of the website. 

  • Keep your anchor text related to the link you are adding. Avoid vague and generic anchor texts like “click here” and “read more”.
  • Keep your links contextual, do not force them. If it is not adding value to the reader then it is not good enough. 
  • Do not stuff internal links and add only where they are relevant and needed. 
Example of internal linking by ZeroAdo to improve website authority.
At ZeroAdo we do not shy away from internal linking. We add links and refer to our other pieces of content to enhance user experience and also our website’s authority.

Keep close track of your link profile for spammy and broken links 

Building a strong backlink profile needs continuous work. Link building alone is not enough for website authority; you need to maintain your built links as well. 

To do so, you need to keep an eye on your links at all times and frequently run audits to find broken, spammy, and lost links too. 

Once you have found those you need to remove and replace those links to maintain your website’s authority. 

It is all essential, yet it sounds too much to manage right? 

If that’s the case, you can let go of the headache of building and maintaining backlinks to build website authority by buying backlinks from SEO experts like ZeroAdo.

At ZeroAdo we call ourselves wizards of link and website authority building wizards because of the following reasons: 

  • Ww build quality backlinks from high quality business websites only. 
  • We do multiple steps to check in before building a link for your website. 
  • We get you backlinks from websites with DR as high as 90+. 
  • We build contextual and relevant links which are value adding to your website authority. 
  • We can get you both quality and quantity when it comes to link building. 

We have a network of 500+ trustworthy partners and can get you links from the top-notch industry websites. 

Checkout below 👇 the few websites that we have got links from for our clients and we can get for your as well. 

ZeroAdo’s backlink partners for increased website authority.
Increase your website authority by hiring ZeroAdo to get you backlinks from some of the top brands as you can see above. [Source - ZeroAdo]

Create helpful and optimized content 

SEO and content marketing go hand in hand when it comes to building and increasing website authority. 

Content is the backbone of SEO and website authority and here is why: 

  • To rank in search results you need quality content. 
  • To get backlinks for your website you need content. 
  • To engage users and get leads you need content. 

I can list more reasons, but for now, I believe these are enough to prove why you need content to improve your website authority. So focus on writing content that not just ranks but also gets you backlinks at an autopilot mode. 

To do a quality check of your content and make sure your content ranks, you can also leverage the custom Content Quality Guidelines® curated by ZeroAdo. With these guidelines your content is bound for success! 

Improve your website authority by creating quality content as per ZeroAdo’s guidelines.
ZeroAdo’s Content Quality Guidelines can help you increase your website authority by helping you create top quality content.

Improve user experience of your website 

User experience is another one of the important aspects that you need to work on when it comes to building website authority. 

I am not saying it, but Google does. It emphasizes on the page experience for a user and aspects like mobile friendliness and loading speed. 

Google takes page experience as a metric when it comes to website authority.
Your page experience has an impact on your website authority as Google itself gives importance to it. [Source - Google Search Console]

Along with that, keep various types of your SEO in check like technical SEO, image SEO, and on-page SEO to improve the user experience and also improve the crawlability of your website. 

Build website authority for more leads and increased SEO benefits

We have established that website authority is a crucial SEO metric to track as it has an implication on the number of leads your business might get.

However, the amount of effort needed in building website authority is a lot and most of it is manual and time consuming as well. 

However, you don’t need to worry about it, because at ZeroAdo, we solve all your problems by putting your marketing in autopilot mode. 

Contact ZeroAdo, we are SEO and marketing experts that can not only help you increase website authority but also the number of leads.